Tone R. Aaserud
f. 1958
Born and settled in Bærum, near Oslo
Tlf: 452 64 123
1984 Café Vera
1984 The Bekkestua Librery
1985 The Art Society of Kristiansand
1988 The Galleri Sande
1994 Summerexhibition at Villa Friedheim
(The house of fairytales)
1996 Café Bakeriet, Bærums Verk
1996 The Galleri Stallen, Ørlandet
1997 The Galleri Jabe, Oslo
1998 Summerexhibition, Tjøme
1998 The Galleri Empati, Ørlandet
1999 The Galleri Empati, Ørlandet
1999 The Galleri Dronning Tyra, Sundvollen
2000 The Galleri Hovde, Asker
2000/01/02 The Galleri Empati, Ørlandet
2002 Exhibition at the fishmongers i Råkvåg
2005 Det Blå Bord, (The Blue Table) competition, Moss
2006 The Galleri Empati, Ørlandet
2006 The Galleri Vannperlen, Bærums Verk
2007 Joining the Artistgroup ArtFusion i Galleri Adamstuen with
continuerly new exhibitions
2008 Fokus4-exhibition at Galleri Adamstuen i Oslo as a member of ArtFusion.
(An artist-group at 20 members running the Gallery Adamstuen)
2008 Lions exhibition Romerrike
2009 Christmas-exhibition Galleri Pan, Oslo
2010 Estonia: Invited to the Akvarellgalleriet
2008 Zaragoza, Spania: Internasjonal akvarell-exhibition. 4 norwegian artists.
2008 Lithauen:.Baltic Bridge akvarell Biennale. 4 norwegian artists.
Artists from 11 country.
2007 separate exhibition at the gallery Godthaap, Norway
Won competition i 2001 in regi of the Gallery Empati, with the jury: Astrid Dalsveen, Magne Sandøy, Sigmund Scheldrup Pedersen and the gallerist Toril Grøtan Oksvold.
2009 Purchased by NAS (Nordiska Akvarellselskapet)
Purchased by Tine Meierier, middle-Norway
Purchased by Statoil
Purchased by Sande Art Society
Profession is grafic designer earlier with the Norwegian Artmagazine Kunst for Alle
Was also working with children at the Artschool Mosebekks drawing- and paintingschool. Do have own pulils now + painting-courses for the Norwegian Artfirm FineArt
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